
Here you can find some descriptions of some of the projects I’ve worked on—the motivation behind them, how they’re deployed, and other associated notes. All of these are side projects I’ve tackled in my side time based on ideas I’ve come up with, so their code may vary in quality, but all of it can be found on github—links to associated repos can be found in each item below.

sqlauthz is a tool for declaratively managing permissions for PostgreSQL


Stop watching your code run


Egghead is a browser history replacement with much more advanced searching capabilities than the default Chrome history.


Statey is a fully-functioning infrastructure as code tool and library that I wrote in 2019.


Single Sock is an e-commerce website I built that would let users buy a single sock from a pair to replace a lost one from a pair.


This website exists as a place for me to share anys I want to publish, and for others to consume if they want to get to know me a little bit. Also, I bought and figured I should do something with it 🙂.
